Monday, February 15, 2010

Translation between models/programs

As well as user to computer translation, an important area of research is similar semi-automated translation between computer programs and models. Much of the structure of programs/models is the same regardless of what particular programming language is used. Making translations of a program/model available on multiple systems by translation from one to the other eases maintenance and re-use and widens availability. Also involving users in such a process would enable sharing and understanding of models/programs, so aiding Decision Support.

Monday, February 08, 2010

A history of end user programming - SiftMedia

SiftMedia have published online this article of mine.


A brief history of the evolution of computer programming from the 60s to the present day, by Peter Hale.


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

User Driven Modelling and Systematic Interaction for End-User Programming

This is the abstract of a talk I'll give to - Systems Research Showcase, INCOSE UK, Bristol Local Group, Wednesday 24th March 2010 - at Bristol University -

This talk discusses PhD research (just submitted) into building a systematic infrastructure and capability, and how to solve problems which could hamper this. This approach is based on creation of systems that can be customised to produce other systems and models, and translation from abstract diagrammatic representations to computer representations.The conclusion explains how this approach to modelling and end-user programming enables interoperability, and collaboration, and that this assists with Maintenance, Extensibility, Ease of Use, and Sharing of Information.

Systems Engineering is involved in the analysis of the relating of interdisciplinary research requirements, in both engineering and computing, for this research. Systems engineering is also important in that the application area of modelling, for aerospace (Airbus and Rolls-Royce) has been one where complex engineering products are created, and a systematic approach is needed. Further to this the research has required systematic production of systems that in tern must be usuable by a wide range of users to produce and share their customised engineering models.