Sunday, March 16, 2014

Stephen Wolfram Wants To Make Computer Language More - Popular Science

I'm going to look into this to see if it's relevant to my idea - New post on my Computing Research blog - MOCHA - Massive Online Collaborative Hierarchical Application - - Semantic Web

Stephen Wolfram Wants To Make Computer Language More Human - - Article and Video 12 minutes - demonstration

"At South By Southwest, programmer and scientist Stephen Wolfram showed off more of his Wolfram Language software."

"Last month, Stephen Wolfram--scientist, founder of Wolfram Research, and the closest thing Big Data has to a rock star--unveiled Wolfram Language, a "symbolic" computer language more than 25 years in the making."

There is a 12 minute video presentation I will watch. This looks like the kind of highly structured search but human language based search that could link with highly structured but human language based code I am working on, in order to provide a collaborative application of related nodes/objects.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The nagging question: what is the model for use? Will it be like all the other WA offerings - essentially a paid service? It is unclear what rate of adoption there will be if it is not very widely available.
