This blog is about my PhD research (now finished) at University of the West of England into User Driven Modelling. This is to make it possible for people who are not programmers to create software. I create software that converts visual trees into computer code. My web site is I'm continuing this research and the blog. My PhD is at and a journal paper at
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
User Driven Modelling - Research Approach
This research demonstrates how a taxonomy can be used as the information source, from which it is possible to automatically produce software. This technique is most suitable at present to modelling, visualisation, and searching for information. The research is about the technique of User Driven Model (UDM) Development that could be part of a wider approach of User Driven Programming (UDP). This approach involves the creation of a visual environment for software development, where modelling programs can be created without the requirement of the model developer to learn programming languages. The theory behind this approach is examined, and also the main practical work in creation of this system. The basis of this approach is modelling of the software to be produced in ontology management systems such as Jena (Jena, 2006), and Protégé (Stanford University, 2006). It also has the potential to be computer language and system independent as one representation could be translated into many computer languages or Meta languages (Dmitriev, 2006).
The development of visual user interfaces has been a major step forward. The use of pictorial metaphors such as folders to represent a collection of files has greatly aided human computer interaction. Pictorial metaphors give visual feedback so the user knows what the software system is doing. This technique can be used more dynamically in simulations. Simulations represent the real world problem and provide constant feedback to the user on how the system is progressing. In this sense, all software should be regarded as a simulation. Pictorial metaphors are static, while a users' mental model is made up of mental images connected together by a set of rules. The user runs a mental model like a simulation. Static user interfaces rely on a user to string together images into a mental model which correctly represents what the system is doing. A user may generate a mental model in response to user interface metaphors which is inconsistent with the system model. Simulation can help to ensure that the designers' model, system model and users' model are all the same. This subject is explored by Crapo et al. (2001), and is the basis of the visualisation techniques used to enable the user to create and understand models that are subsequently translated into software representations. This is also explained in chapter one of Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration (Cypher, 1993), this explains how the Pygmalion language attempts to bridge the gap between the programmer's mental model of a subject and what the computer can accept. The author of this system David Smith (Smith, 1977) went on to develop office oriented icons as part of the Xerox's "Star" computer project.
The research applies this User Driven technique to aerospace engineering but it should be applicable to any subject. The basis of the research is the need to provide better ways for people to specify what they require from computer software using techniques that they understand, instead of needing to take the intermediate steps of either learning a computer language(s) or explaining their requirements to a software expert. These intermediate steps are expensive in terms of time, cost, and level of misunderstanding. If users can communicate intentions directly to the computer they can receive quick feedback and be able to adapt their techniques in a quick and agile way in response to this feedback.
A modelling environment needs to be created by software developers in order to allow users/model builders/domain experts to create their own models. This modelling environment could be created using an open standard language such as XML (eXtensible Markup Language). As the high level translation though this would depend on tools developed using lower level languages, this is why tools such as Protégé and DecisioPro (now called Vanguard Studio) (Vanguard Software, 2006) are used. Until recently XML has been used to represent information but languages such as Java, C++, and Visual Basic have been used for the actual code. Semantic languages such as XML could be used in future for software development as well as information representation, as they provide a higher level declarative view of the problem.
Scaffidi, C., Shaw, M., Myers, B., 2005. Estimating the Numbers of End Users and End User Programmers. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, (VL/HCC'05): 207-214 Dallas, Texas.
Protégé Community Wiki, 2006. User Driven Progamming [online]. Available from:
Jena, 2006. Jena - A Semantic Web Framework for Java [online]. Available from:
Stanford University, 2006. Welcome to protégé [online]. Available from:
Dmitriev, S., 2006. Language Oriented Programming: The Next Programming Paradigm [online]. Available from:
Crapo, A. W., Waisel, L. B., Wallace, W. A., Willemain, T. R., 2000. Visualization and the process of modeling: a cognitive-theoretic view. Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data - Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining pp 218-226.
Cypher, A., 1993. Watch What I Do Programming by Demonstration. MIT Press, Chapter 1 [online]. Available from: ISBN:0262032139.
Smith, D. C., 1977. A Computer Program to Model and Stimulate Creative Thought. Basel: Birkhauser.
Vanguard Software, 2006. Vanguard Studio [online]. Available from:
Friday, December 15, 2006
Allowing Users to program
This research arises out of projects to create systems to facilitate management of design and cost related knowledge within aerospace organisations, with the aim of using this knowledge to reduce the costs of designing and manufacturing products. My thesis identifies ways that problems arising from the model development process can be addressed, by a new way of providing for the creation of software. With experience from projects, which have used a combination of proprietary software solutions and bespoke software, it is possible to identify the approach of User Driven Programming (UDP) as an effective software development technique. This research unites approaches of object orientation, the semantic web, relational databases, and model driven and event driven programming, (Frankel et al., 2004) explain the opportunities for and importance of this kind of research. The approach encourages much greater user involvement in software development. The advantages of increasing user involvement in software development are explained by (Olsson, 2004). The intention of this research is to allow users to create the whole model/program they develop without typing code.
Within this thesis the terms user, and domain expert are used interchangeably. The user is a domain expert who wants a problem represented and modelled using software. The domain is engineering but this research could be applied to other domains. The users/domain experts may well be computer literate and able to model certain problems using a software tool such as a spreadsheet. For reasons that will be explained later, this is only sufficient for simpler problems. The reasons that spreadsheets should not be used to represent complex models are connected with difficulties in maintaining, extending, and reusing spreadsheet models. So to be able to model a complex problem, the users/domain experts currently must specify their requirements to other software experts, who may or may not have domain knowledge themselves. It is difficult to find and afford to employ those who have sufficient expertise in both the software and the domain. Someone without the domain knowledge may not understand the requirements. Putting the right team together is a difficult balancing act, and project teams will not be able to model a problem such as a new design unless all team members can access relevant software, to understand the problem to be modelled and solved (Rodgers et al, 2001).
Software development is time consuming and error prone because of the need to learn computer languages. If people could instruct a computer without this requirement they could concentrate all their effort on the problem to be solved. This would mean they could customise software to model problems before and while they are trying to solve them instead of having to request the IT software provider to add features, at great cost in terms of time, money, and added complexity of software. I call this personal programming alternative User Driven Programming (UDP) within this thesis, and for the examples demonstrated the term User Driven Modelling (UDM) is used to explain the application of User Driven Programming to model development. This research aims to create software that enables people to program using visual metaphors. Users enter information in a diagram, which for these examples is tree based. Tree based visualisation is often a good way of representing information structures and/or program code structures. Sometimes other types of network based visualisations are used, and I also examine converting these visualisations into other diagrammatic forms, including CAD style representations, and charts. The software developed as part of this research translates this human readable representation into computer languages. The visualisation also shows the flow of information. A further advantage of tree based visualisation techniques is that a simple problem can be modelled, and when necessary extra complexity can be modelled by extending the tree. This is useful when at first only sketchy information is available, but later more details can be modelled.
This technique is a kind of End User Programming, research in this area is undertaken by the (End Users Shaping Effective Software (EUSES), 2006) research collaboration mainly in the USA, and (Network of Excellence on End User Development in Europe (EUD.Net), 2006), and by the (Institute for End User Computing, IEUC). Fabio Paternò has investigated this subject as part of the End User Development in Europe network (Paternò, 2005).
Frankel, D., Hayes, P., Kendall, E., McGuinness, D., 2004. The Model Driven Semantic Web. 1st International Workshop on the Model-Driven Semantic Web (MDSW2004) Enabling Knowledge Representation and MDA® Technologies to Work Together.
Olsson, E., 2004. What active users and designers contribute in the design process. Interacting with Computers 16, pp 377-401.
Rodgers, P. A., Caldwell, N. H., M., Clarkson, P.J., Huxor, A. P, 2001. The management of concept design knowledge in modern product development organizations. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 14(1), pp 108-115.
End Users Shaping Effective Software (EUSES), 2006. Welcome to EUSES [online]. Available from:
Network of Excellence on End User Development in Europe (EUD.Net), 2006. Network of Excellence on End User Development [online]. Available from:
Institute for End User Computing (IEUC), 2006. Institute for End User Computing Inc. [online]. Available from:
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Le Web, Blogging, User Generated Content
"Le Web 3, a conference for bloggers and supporters of internet media developments, is taking place in Paris, France."
"Robin Hamman, a journalist for BBC English Regions and co-ordinator of the BBC Blogs Network, will be filing regular updates from the conference. "
BBC News Technology -
Robin Hamman is also writing about Le Web on his personal blog at
Blogging 'set to peak next year' - Gartner Group
This report from the Gartner group and is among its predictions on the BBC web site.
'The blogging phenomenon is set to peak in 2007, according to technology predictions by analysts Gartner. '
BBC News Technology -
'You' named Time's person of 2006
"You" have been named as Time magazine's Person of the Year for the growth and influence of user-generated content on the internet.
This article in BBC News Technology explains that Time magazine "The US magazine praised the public for "seizing the reins of the global media" and filling the web's virtual world."
BBC News Technology -
Social networks Bebo and MySpace were the two most searched for terms of 2006 using Google's search engine.
BBC News Technology -
This article is a useful guide to Blogging terminology
WebProNews - Blog Terminology 101 - - Geoff Simon
This BBC article explains how teenagers are making use of networking sites -
Friday, December 08, 2006
User Driven Programming Detailed Example
This post outlines the technique of User Driven Modelling a technique for End User Programming. The idea behind this is that software users (in this case engineers) can create models that perform and visualise calculations (cost of manufacture and the reasons behind this cost). The advantage of this is that the engineers can share and adjust models without needing to call upon a software developer to re-engineer the model. The time saved can give engineers the chance to cost designs early. This could allow the design to be changed before most of the
future costs are incurred.
This article explains how the above aims can be achieved, in order to enable decision support during product development, whilst minimising dependence on specialist software and detailed programming effort. The basis of this is an Ontology that can be visualised and edited in tree form. We are using the open standard Stanford University Ontology tool Protégé. This Ontology can be translated into a Decision Support tool called DecisionPro, which runs the model. Software we have created using DecisionPro allows calculations of the cost of a design to be made, and provides a colour-coded representation of the product tree. It is then possible to output this tree in the form of web pages, interactive diagrams, and code in programming languages such as the Java based costing tool Cost Estimator. It is possible to search the information both in Protégé and on the Web as it is represented using searchable semantic web languages.
Cost, Costing, Decision Support, Design, Manufacture, User Driven Modelling, End User Programming, Semantic Web, Taxonomy
When engineering organisations design and manufacture products they categorise this process into stages. From the early concept stage to the final design stage and manufacture, software is used to aid and record the process. It is common for different software to be used at different stages. If the software applications do not use open standards languages to communicate between these stages and between the various teams involved information gets lost and not re-used as the chain of information breaks. An open standard language is a language whose structure and syntax has been agreed by the World Wide Web consortium (W3C) [1]. The detail and accuracy of the information that can be provided to define the product varies along this chain. The best opportunities for cost reduction are early in the product life cycle, so it is important to gather together any information that is available on that component and any similar products. It is important that users who enter information about a design concept be guided by historical values where possible and guidance information such as explanations, diagrams, and examples. The use of statistical modelling is necessary to ensure a cost can be calculated at this early stage when there is a high level of uncertainty. Validated information for products can be held in a catalogue for case based reasoning.
This article outlines techniques used, in order to enable decision support during product development, whilst minimising dependence on specialist software and detailed programming effort. The basis of this is an ontology that can be visualised and edited in tree form. Stanford University developed the Protégé open standard ontology tool [2]. Protégé is being used for our purposes, although there are other ontology tools that could have been used. This ontology can be translated into a Decision Support tool from Vanguard called DecisionPro. Vanguard are creating a modelling network where universities can share decision support models over a network [3]. This tool was used because it was selected during a project to evaluate, and then use software to solve costing problems. We are creating a modelling network that will link to that of Vanguard
Software created using DecisionPro allows calculations of the cost of a design, and provides a colour-coded representation of the product tree. It is then possible to output this tree in the form of web pages, interactive diagrams and code in programming languages such as Engineous' Java based costing tool Cost Estimator [4]. This is explained with examples from our research. It is possible to search the information both in Protégé and on the Web as the information is represented using searchable semantic web languages.
This article is based on research undertaken to establish a way of representing information relating to the design and production of a wing box, and providing a cost modelling capability. The argument presented is that it is possible to use an approach where such a system could be created to be generic, and thus re-usable for other modelling problems, and could be created and maintained much more efficiently than current techniques allow. Models can be created by users, who can also be termed model builders, without the need for them to write code. Model builders can adapt the models for their individual modelling purpose.
The approach of developing decision supportmodels for design and costing using a spreadsheet or standalone program, is compared and contrasted with the alternative approach of using open standards ontologies and software. It is argued that the second approach makes User Driven Modelling (UDM) possible and that this can enable much more effective development of models. Users can create their own programs from scratch using this technique. The article begins with an explanation of the spreadsheet approach and explains the alternative researched
The sections 'Research Aim', 'Research Approach' and 'Why a different approach is needed' explain the problems engineers have with the commissioning of costing models, that lead to my conclusion that a different approach is necessary. 'User Driven Model Development' and 'Criteria necessary for User Driven Model Development' explain the alternative approach of User Driven Modelling, and how this approach would be used and tested for engineering costing problems. 'User Driven Modelling Techniques implemented with a simple example' introduces the approach and uses the example to explain this research. 'Early Approach' gives a critical evaluation of a wing box costing spreadsheet, and explains the difficulties that would be encountered if we were to try and adapt it to a different problem. The rest of the article explains our implementation of a subset of the spreadsheet for testing purposes, using the User Driven Modelling (UDM) approach. I conclude with results from the comparison of the two approaches.
Research Aim
This research arises out of projects to create systems to facilitate management of design and cost related knowledge within aerospace organisations, with the aim of using this knowledge to reduce the costs of designing and manufacturing products. This article identifies ways that problems arising from the model development process can be addressed, by a new way of providing for the creation of software. We have gained experience from projects, which have used a combination of proprietary software solutions and bespoke software. It is possible to identify the approach of User Driven Programming (UDP) as an effective software development technique. This research unites approaches of object oriented design, the Semantic Web, and relational databases and event driven programming. The approach encourages much greater user involvement in software development. The advantages of increasing user involvement in software development are explained by Olsson [5]. The intention of this research is to allow users to create the whole model/program they develop without typing code.
Figure 1 shows that users are by far the
biggest group of program developers, with two intermediate groups, and a small
group of professional programmers.
Figure 1 - Categories of User - United States at Work 2006
Source - Scaffidi
et al. [6] based on data from US bureau of Labour Statistics.
These statistics were also explained and referred to in Myers et al.
Categories of User
It is important to distinguish between the two different types of users for the system, as they would work on different parts of the overall system. However a person may be represented in either or both categories.
Model Builders
Model builders create or edit the semantic representation of the model in an ontology editor in order to create models. Model builders do not need knowledge of a programming language, but do need training in how to use the ontology interface to create a model, and some knowledge of the domain to which it is to be applied.
Model Users
Model users make decisions based on their domain knowledge. This type of user manipulates the tree representation to obtain a result based on the input values they know, or otherwise based on default values. They will want to be able to use a model to evaluate a problem in order to help in decision making.
Expertise of Users
Within this article the terms user, and domain expert are used interchangeably. The user is a domain expert who wants a problem represented and modelled using software. The domain is engineering but my research could be applied to other domains. The users/domain experts may well be computer literate and able to model certain problems using a software tool such as a spreadsheet. For reasons that will be explained later, this is only sufficient for simpler problems. The reasons that spreadsheets should not be used to represent complex models are connected with difficulties in maintaining, extending, and reusing spreadsheet models. This might not be such a problem in future if research such as that of Oregon State and Houston Universities can succeed in automatically generating correct spreadsheets, and solving errors of meaning (semantic errors) [8].
For now, to be able to model a complex problem, the users/domain experts currently must specify their requirements to other software experts, who may or may not have domain knowledge themselves. It is difficult to find and afford those who have sufficient expertise in both the software and the domain. Someone without the domain knowledge may not understand the requirements. Putting the right team together is a difficult balancing act, and sometimes may be difficult or impossible.
Software development is time consuming and error prone because of the need to learn computer languages. If people could instruct a computer without this requirement they could concentrate all their effort on the problem to be solved. This is termed User Driven Programming (UDP) within this article, and for the examples demonstrated the term User Driven Modelling(UDM) is used to explain the application of User Driven Programming to model development. This research aims to create software that enables people to program using visual metaphors. Users enter information in a diagram, which for these examples is tree based. Tree based visualisation is often a good way of representing information structures and/or program code structures. Thesoftware developed as part of this research translates this human readable representation into computer languages. The tree also shows the flow of information. This technique is a kind of End User Programming, research in this area is undertaken by the EUSES (End Users Shaping Effective Software) research collaboration [9].
Research Approach
This research demonstrates how a taxonomy can be used as the information source, from which it is possible to automatically produce software. This technique is most suitable at present to modelling, visualisation, and searching for information. The article explains the technique of User Driven Model (UDM) Development that could be part of a wider approach of User Driven Programming (UDP). This approach involves the creation of a visual environment for software development, where modelling programs can be created without the requirement of the model developer to learn programming languages. The theory behind this approach is explained, and also the main practical work in creation of this system. The basis of this approach is modelling of the software to be produced in Ontology systems such as Protégé and Jena [10]. It also has the potential to be computer language and system independent as one representation could be translated into many computer languages or Meta languages (explained later).
The research applies this User Driven technique to aerospace engineering but it should be applicable to any subject. The basis of the research is the need to provide better ways for people to specify what they require from computer software using techniques that they understand, instead of needing to take the intermediate steps of either learning a computer language(s) or explaining their requirements to a software expert. These intermediate steps are expensive in terms of time, cost, and level of misunderstanding. If users can communicate intentions directly to the computer,they can receive quick feedback, and be able to adapt their techniques in a
quick and agile way in response to this feedback.
A modelling environment needs to be created by software developers in order to allow users/model builders/domain experts to create their own models. This modelling environment could be created using an open standard language such as XML (eXtensible Markup Language). As the high level translation though this would depend on tools developed using lower level
languages, this is why tools such as Protégé and DecisioPro are used. Until recently XML has been used to represent information but languages such as Java, C++, and Visual Basic have been used for the actual code. Semantic languages such as XML could be used in future for software development as well as information representation, as they provide a higher level declarative view of the problem.
A requirement of this research is that open standard semantic languages are used to represent information, to be used both as input and output of the model. These languages are based on XML. These same open standard languages can be used for developing the program code of models. It is proposed that software and information represented by the software, be separated but represented in the same open standard searchable way. Software and the information it manipulates are just information that has different uses, there is no reason why software must be represented differently from other information. So XML can be used both as the information input and output by the application, and for the definition of the model itself. The model can read or write information it represents, and the information can read from or
write to the model. This recursion makes 'meta-programming' possible. Meta programming is writing of programs by other programs. The purpose of this is to provide a cascading series of layers that translate a relatively easy to use visual representation of a problem to be modelled, into code that can be run by present day compilers and interpreters. This is to make it easier for computer literate non-programmers to specify instructions to a computer, without learning
and writing code in computer languages. To achieve this, any layer of software or information must be able to read the code or the information represented in any other. Code and information are only separated out as a matter of design choice to aid human comprehension, they can be represented in the same way using the same kinds of open standard languages.
Dynamic software systems such as outlined by Huhns [11] have been examined. Huhns explained that current techniques are inadequate, and outlines a technique called Interaction-Oriented Software Development, concluding that there should be a direct association between users and software, so that they can create programs, in the same way as web pages are created today. Paternò [12] explains research that identifies abstraction levels for a software system. These levels are task and object model, abstract user interface, concrete user interface, and final user interface. Stages take development through to a user interface that consists of interaction objects. This approach can be used for automating the design of the user interface and the production of the underlying software. Paternò states that 'One fundamental challenge for the coming years is to develop environments that allow people without a particular background in programming to develop their own applications'. Paternò goes on to explain that 'Natural development implies that people should be able to work through familiar and immediately
understandable representations that allow them to easily express relevant concepts'.
The methods used for this representation and translation will be explained in the rest of this document.
Why a different approach is needed
Translating concepts into an implementation is difficult. The difficulty of trying to explain the subjects of interest in a call for papers, or proposals illustrates this problem. Because of the
ambiguity of words, there is always going to be a problem of interpretation between those who specify the requirements, and those who need to understand and interpret them.
For software development, a good way to reduce the level of misunderstandings is to go through the loop from concept to design to implementation quickly and efficiently so that feedback can be returned from the software model. Then mistakes can be seen and corrected quickly. It becomes much easier to achieve this high speed development, if the interface for development is made sufficiently easy to understand, so that a domain expert can use it to create the software, or at least a simple prototype that a developer can then work with and improve. Even if the aim of the users is to specify requirements rather than create programs, creating working programs conveys requirements much better than any other form of requirement specification.
It may also prove possible to work in reverse from implementation to design, or design to conceptual model. A UWE paper explains how ontologies could be mapped to conceptual models,
Et al. [13]. This process can be made easier if the same open standard software representations, languages, and structures are used throughout this process. This would be useful for checking
software is designed well or re-using software designs.
User involvement is important in the development of software but a domain expert does not necessarily possess expertise in software development, and a software developer cannot have
expertise in every domain to which software might apply. So it is important to make it possible for software to be created using methods as close as possible to that which the domain expert normally uses. The proportion of domain experts in a particular domain (aerospace engineering) for example who can develop their own programs is fairly low, but the proportion that are computer literate in the everyday use of computers is much higher. If this computer literacy is
harnessed to allow the domain experts to develop and share models, the productivity for software development will be increased and the proportion of misunderstandings between domain experts and developers reduced. The domain experts can then explore a problem they are trying to solve and produce code to solve it. The role of developers would then become more that of a mentor and enabler rather than someone who has to translate all the ideas of experts into code themselves. Other developers may work at providing better translation
software for the experts.
User Driven Model Development
The intention of the research into User Driven Modelling (UDM) and more widely User Driven Programming (UDP) is to enable non-programmers to create software, from a user interface that allows them to model a particular problem or scenario. This involves a user entering
information visually in the form of a tree diagram. The research involves developing ways of automatically translating this information into program code in a variety of computer languages. This is very important and useful for many employees that have insufficient time to learn programming languages. To achieve this, visual editors are used to create and edit taxonomies to be translated into code. To make this possible, it is also important to examine visualisation, and visualisation techniques to create a human computer interface that allows non-experts to create software.
The research mainly concentrates on using the above technique for modelling, searching and sorting. The technique should be usable for other types of program development. Research relevant to User Driven Programming in general is covered, as this could be applied to the
problem in future.
This research unites approaches of object orientated design, the Semantic Web, relational databases, and event driven programming. Tim Berners-Lee defined the semantic web as 'a web of data that can be processed directly or indirectly by machines' [14]. The research examines ways of structuring information, and enabling processing and searching of the information to provide a modelling capability.
UDM could help increase user involvement in software, by providing templates to enable non-programmers to develop modelling software for the purposes that interest them. If more users of software are involved in creation of software and the source of the code is open, this allows for the creation of development communities that can share ideas and code and learn from each other. These communities could include both software experts, and domain experts who would be much more able to attain the expertise to develop their own models than they are using current software languages.
Criteria necessary for User Driven Model Development
This section explains the theory behind the User Driven Modelling approach, and the factors necessary to make this approach possible. For this research the focus is on combining the development of dynamic software created in response to user actions, with object oriented,
rule based and semantic web techniques. Research has examined ways of structuring information, processing and searching this information to provide a modelling capability. Research by Aziz et al. [15] examines how open standards software can assist in an organisations collaborative product development, and Wang et al. [16] outline an approach for integrating distributed relational database systems. Our automated production of software containing recursive Structured Query Language (SQL) queries enables this. This approach is a type of very high level Meta-programming. Meta-programming, and structured language is explained
by Dmitriev [17] and Mens et al. [18]. The approach proposed is intended to solve the problems of cost and time over-run, and failure to achieve objectives that are the common malaise of software development projects. The creation of a web based visual representation of the
information will allow people to examine and agree on information structures.
Firstly it is necessary to find a way for people with little programming expertise, to use an alternative form of software creation, that can later be translated into program code. The main
approach taken was the use of visual metaphors to enable this creation process, although others may investigate a natural language approach. The decision on what combination of diagrammatic or natural language to use in the representation may be influenced by the type of user and the domain to be modelled. Engineers usually deal with diagrams as a regular part of their work,
so understand this representation particularly well. In fact developers also use metaphors from engineering diagrams in order to provide a user interface for software design. This is explained in Tollis [19].
A translation method can then be provided that converts this representation into program code in a number of languages, or into a Meta-language that can then be further translated. In order to achieve this, it is necessary for the translator to understand and interpret equations that relate objects in the visual definition and obtain the results. In order for the user to understand the translation that has been performed it is then important to visualise the translated code, and this must be accessible to others who use the translated implementation. Web pages are a useful mechanism for this as they are widely accessible.
This visualisation of results is essential to express clearly their meaning. Words in a report document can be ambiguous. So the relationship of results to inputs must be clearly shown.
Translation Mechanism
Figure 2 shows the translation mechanism.
Figure 2 - Translation Process
For this research the focus is on combining the development of dynamic software created in response to user actions, with object oriented, rule based and semantic web techniques. This helps solve problems of mismatch of data between object oriented and relational database
systems identified by Ambler [20]. The information is highly structured. Visualisation of this structure in order to represent the relationship between things clarifies the semantics. The meaning can be seen not just by the name of each item but also by the relationship of other items to it. It is envisaged that this taxonomy will provide a design costing capability, but the taxonomy and the techniques used to put it together could be re-used for other purposes.
Eventually this taxonomy could become part of an overall ontology. At first this would be a light-weight ontology and this could be evaluated for usefulness before deciding on whether it would need to be more structured. Hunter [21] evaluates engineering ontologies and gives examples. Issues involved in visualisation of light weight ontologies are examined by Fluit et al. [22]. An important reason for creation of an open standards central ontology is that it can be accessed by many different applications. The open standard OWL (Web Ontology Language) is explained by Bechhofer and Carroll [23]. Research of others in this field has been investigated Corcho and Gómez-Pérez [24], Corcho et al. [25], and Noy [26].
The approach involves adapting or creating software systems to provide the visual editor for the source tree, and model builders would create a model by editing this. By doing so they would create a generic model for a particular modelling subject. This is enabled by provision of translation software to translate the taxonomy into a decision support and modelling system. The model users could then use this decision support and modelling system to create their models. These models are a more specific subset of the generic model, and could be applied for their own analyses. Current research is on provision of a translation mechanism to convert
information or models into other languages (primarily web based), and to visualise this information. This mechanism has been used in projects with two major aerospace companies. Examples of this are shown later in the article.
The alternative approach involves creation of an elaborator that can output code, in various computer languages or a Meta-programming syntax such as metaL [27] or Simkin [28]. The elaborator needs only a few pieces of information. All information other than that dependant on user interaction, including the names of each node and its relationships to other nodes, needs to be held in a standardised data structure, e.g. a database or structured text file(s). A visual interface to this ontology is required so that model builders can maintain and extend it.
Each node (elaborator) needs to be provided with the following pieces of information -
A trigger sent as a result of user action. This is a variable containing a list of value(s) dependant on decisions or requests made by the user the last time the user took action. Each time the user makes a request or a decision, this causes the production of a tree or branch to represent this. This trigger variable is passed around the tree or branch as it is created. The interface to enable this is connected to and reads from the ontology.
Knowledge of the relationship between this node and its immediate siblings e.g. parents, children, attributes. So the elaborator knows which other elaborators to send information to, or receive from.
Ability to read equations. These would be mathematical descriptions of a calculation that contains terms that are items in the ontology. The equation would be contained within an attribute of a class, e.g. The class Material Cost would have an attribute Material Cost Calculation that holds an equation.
Basic rules of syntax for the language of the code to be output.
The way the elaborator finds the information held in 2 and 3 is dependent on the action that is
taken in 1. Thus, if a suitable ontology is created the basis of the rules of construction of the code to be created are defined 4, and the user has made choices, the user needs to take no further action and just wait for the necessary code to be output.
The translation mechanism is illustrated in the next section using a simple example.
User Driven Modelling Techniques implemented with a simple example
This simple model explains all the concepts
behind the visual and language representation of the problem to be modelled. It
also shows the translation steps required to convert this representation to
program code. It explains how alternative tree based and diagrammatic based
representations can be used to convey different views of the translated
The approach explained in this section involves creating structured taxonomies that would eventually be part of an overall ontology of information relating to aerospace, and the automated generation of software to access and process this information. This approach could also be used for other types of modelling problem. The explanation uses the example of the taxonomy definition of a simple rectangle. This will be used to illustrate how models can be created. The representation is transferred to decision support software that is used as a calculation engine and translator.
The component is created, Input Values are defined and these can be used in a calculation. First the length of the rectangle is defined. This is given a value of 4 metres. Next the width of the
rectangle is defined. This is given a value of 2 metres. Another class is created for the results of calculations. This is called Derived Values, but could be given any name. In this example there is just one derived attribute - Area. Area is assigned a value of Length * Width. This is a simple equation that will be used to calculate the result. Calculations are all defined by
equations that relate attributes of the taxonomy. Figure 3 shows this.
Figure 3 - Rectangle Explanation - Protégé
The taxonomy is translated and stored in a relational database that maps the structure. The taxonomy can be read from the database by the decision support system DecisionPro. Generic code written using the DecisionPro editor reads from this database and recreates the tree. This
represents the task of the software developer in providing the infrastructure for the users/model developers. The advantage of translating the taxonomy into a decision support system is its facility for performing calculations and statistical analysis. This allows the calculation to be made and visualised without any need for the user to create code. The calculation uses the equation(s) defined in the Protégé editor, which relate the nodes in the
taxonomy tree. Figure 4 shows this.
Figure 4 - Rectangle Explanation - DecisionPro
The result tree can then be output onto the Web, in W3C compliant languages.
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and stylesheets are used to display this output in the browser, but any language or format could be provided for. The tree is then displayed in a browser, and it's possible to click on individual items to view the item, and details such as the
equation and result. Figure 5 illustrates this.
Figure 5 - Rectangle Explanation - Web View Tree
Sometimes an alternative is needed to the tree view of a taxonomy such as a diagrammatic representation of the object. This alternative can be displayed on the Web page using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). SVG is an XML format. Interactivity is added to help visualisation,
and allow for inputs to be changed dynamically.
Figure 6 shows an output SVG rectangle diagram that includes interactivity. This has been translated from the tree-based representation. The input values used for the calculation and the diagram itself can be changed via an automatically produced user interface that is related to the taxonomy structure.
Figure 6 - Rectangle Explanation - SVG Diagram View
The area and the shape of the diagram respond dynamically to any changes in the inputs such as holding down the up or down arrows to change the input values, and there are other controls for moving and resizing the diagram.
A flash movie illustrating this example is
available at
This example shows that it is possible to create models visually without the user needing to type code. Calculations and translations can performed automatically. The code for performing the
translations is generic. This means it is possible to translate the taxonomy representation into different programming languages, and visualise results in different ways. The ontology editor can be used to produce anything from a simple taxonomy like this, to a large and complex ontology.
Problems with
spreadsheet costing models
This section is based on work undertaken to establish a way of representing information relating to the design and production of a wing box. The approach of developing decision support models
for design and costing using a spreadsheet is evaluated. It will be argued that this approach is insufficient for providing generic and reusable models. This is contrasted with the alternative investigated of User Driven Modelling, this work is explained using examples.
ACCS (Aerospace Composite Costing System)
The ACCS spreadsheet estimation tool was created for a project to provide a large aerospace customer with a comparative cost for the manufacture of the various wing box parts using carbon-fibre composite. The example illustrates a design that is difficult to cost because
of a change in process i.e. use of composites rather than metal for the manufacture of a wing. In the early study of design options, parametric cost models are often used to statistically relate cost to factors such as weight and manufacturing process. Composites have different cost drivers than metals so this invalidates the use of parametric models based on metals in order to cost composite structures, and products. The same is true for new processes such as superplastic forming and high speed machining, whose characteristics are significantly different from previously used processes. Therefore parametric models based on processes used already cannot be re-applied for the new processes, as no historical information is available.
The project was to create software for the purpose of costing a product where parametric costing was not viable. The customer specified that this should be a short project to allow the costing of manufacture of a composite wing box, and that a spreadsheet must be used for this due to the availability of this package. Costing of composites is an important area of research, as designers want to make use of the strength and weight properties of composites but need to be confident that the utilisation of such components is feasible and cost effective. This spreadsheet proved to be successful, but not re-usable for other problems.
The composite wing spreadsheet allowed engineers to evaluate the options for the design and manufacture of composite wing box components. It covered four main components - Skins, Spars, Ribs, Stringers and possible manufacturing techniques for each. Visual Basic code was used in the spreadsheet to provide navigation and constrain the navigation order to ensure decisions were made in the correct order. However there were problems that this did not solve that will emerge in the longer term. These problems relate to maintenance, extensibility, ease of use, and sharing of information.
If a user overrides a formula with a value, future cost calculations will be incorrect. In order to prevent this, code was written that protects the cells, which are not editable. This protection is advanced and responsive. Even so it is impossible to envisage and prevent everything a user might do that could corrupt the calculations as there are a wide range of menus and options available in spreadsheet tools. The spreadsheet is also very large, and complex auditing, or updating all the formulae would be a major task.
The maintenance problems explained above
also impact on the extensibility of the spreadsheet. If this spreadsheet was to
be extended or re-used to cost different components or processes, it would be
very difficult to find all the relevant values and formulae to change.
Ease of Use
Users can find their way around the sheets as the navigation paths are made clear using software that guides them, but the overall structure of the information in the spreadsheet is not clear.
Sharing of Information
It might become necessary to export the information from the spreadsheet to a process-planning tool for example. The lack of structure in the information makes it difficult to export it to other software systems. This makes it hard to make use of tree based W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard languages, such as XML (eXtensible Markup Language) or RDF (Resource Description Framework).
Schrage [29] explains how difficult it can be to find the underlying assumptions that are represented in a spreadsheet scenario. The difficulty of tracking the information and assumptions in a spreadsheet make it harder to integrate the model with other software applications. Knowledge sharing is essential for collaboration. Merlo and Girard [30] explain the necessity for collaborative information systems for designers.
User Driven Modelling Implementation
The example used to illustrate the new approach uses information taken from the composite wing box spreadsheet.
Implementation Example - Spar Hand Lay-Up Process
The implementation creates decision support programs automatically in response to user choices. The translation then creates programs in other computer languages, which allow presentation ofresults. The basis of this is that elaborators are nodes in the tree, which are automatically created and dynamically write objects. This allows our wing box definition to be translated to the decision support system for costing, and then to other software such as web pages for further processing or visualisation. Taxonomies are created in Protégé for Parts, Materials, Consumables, Processes, Rates, and Tooling for a prototype costing system. New categories can be produced as required. Domain experts would edit the taxonomies; these experts can specify the relationships of classes and the equations to be used via a visual user interface in Protégé. These relationships are evaluated and translated to produce computer code. Figure 7 illustrates how code is produced from the semantic relationships.
Figure 7 - Rectangle Explanation - SVG Diagram View
Figure 8 shows the equation as text in the Documentation field of the Periphery attribute of Derived Values. This equation text is translated into the DecisionPro visualisation.
Figure 8 - Spar Periphery Calculation translated from Protégé.
For the prototype to be extended and applied for practical use, each taxonomy would be filled with a structured tree representation of experts' knowledge in the form of classes, values and
equations. A costing tree can be automatically produced from these taxonomies. Equations created by the expert, together with choices made by the user of the decision support software, determine how these taxonomies are linked for a particular costing. The costing tool user would then determine which costing equations are used, by answering questions on dialogue forms. These questions would be asked whenever multiple solutions were available. The benefit of this
approach is that the user interface and calculations will be changed automatically to reflect any changes in the model. So if the problem to be modelled changes, only the information that defines the model needs updating by the user, the user interface and calculation engine will change in response. Figure 9 shows the top level of the user interface created automatically by our DecisionPro software from the Protégé taxonomies.
Figure 9 - Interface automatically generated from Protégé
The user will make choices so the decision support tree will be a subset of the information source tree.
DecisionPro visualises large trees by breaking them into individual pages, and indicating with a right arrow where there are further pages that can be viewed. Clicking the 'Part Definition'
right arrow will display the corresponding information. The 'Derived Values' branch contains parameters of the spar that are calculated from the spar dimensions. Figure 10 shows this.
Figure 10 - Interface automatically generated from Protégé
Different types of information indicated by colour coding may be combined in a calculation. This is illustrated in Figure 11. Pre Preg Mass is coloured yellow as it and its attributes are categorised as material attributes, Raw Volume is a part attribute, and so coloured green.
Figure 11 - Use of Colour Coding
Figure 12 shows the DecisionPro tree translated into XML and displayed as a web tree
using a stylesheet. The menu uses a stylesheet created by De Andreis [31]. The examples below are available from our page at
Figure 12 - XML web translation from Decision tree
The production of part diagrams using SVG can be automated in a similar manner to that used for the automated production of DecisionPro costing models. Figure 13 shows an example of such an interactive visualisation of a Spar. This interactive diagram was output automatically from the part definition described in the part taxonomy.
Figure 13 - Interactive Spar Diagram (SVG)
The way the user can interact with the diagram can be seen by viewing these examples on our Interactive SVG links page at These provide examples of wing box components.
The XML can also be displayed on the web using a Flash program created by Rhodes et al.
[32]. This creates a tree with a three dimensional look and a use of colour,
shading, and movement of the nodes that makes it an intuitive user interface
that is easy to navigate. When a node is chosen, this is moved to the centre of
the display and all the other nodes are moved or rotated to position themselves
in relation to it. This interface is illustrated in Figure 14.
Figure 14 - Flash interface for navigating exported XML tree
The representation can also be translated into Java, and Cost Estimator.
I compared the approach of developing decision support models for design and costing using a spreadsheet, to the approach of User Driven Modelling, with open standards languages, and a web interface for this purpose. We conclude that the use of spreadsheets for this purpose is beset by problems. These relate to Maintenance, Extensibility, Ease of Use, and Sharing of Information. But an alternative is required so modellers can continue their work without having to rely on software developers. The alternative approach involves development of a system, where a model builder, via visual editing of library taxonomies can undertake maintenance and
extension of information. As yet a prototype only has been created for this, and a great deal more work is required to finalise the structure for the holding of this information, and agree standards for terminology. Also we need to provide more validation of user input. However dealing with this proof of concept has indicated to us that it is far easier to maintain, search and share information using this approach than it is using spreadsheets. The ability to visualise, search and share the information using structured languages and web-pages, is a huge advantage, and allows us to create dynamic image views and decision support models over the web.
1 W3C. (2006). W3C World Wide Web Consortium,
2 Stanford University. (2006). Stanford University - Welcome to protégé,
3 Vanguard. (2006). Vanguard Home Page,
4 Engineous Software. (2006). Specification Version 1.6,, Engineous Software.
5 Olsson, E. (2004). What active users and designers contribute in the design process, Interacting with Computers, 16: 377-401.
6 Scaffidi, C., Shaw, M., Myers, B. (2005). Estimating the Numbers of End Users and End User Programmers, IEEE Symposium on
Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, (VL/HCC'05): 207-214 Dallas,
7 Myers, B., Ko, A., Burnett M. (2006). Invited Research Overview: End-User Programming Extended Abstracts, CHI'2006: pp. 75-80, Montreal, Canada.
8 Erwig, M., Abraham, R., Cooperstein, I., Kollmansberger, S. (2006). Automatic Generation and Maintenance of Correct Spreadsheets?,
9 EUSES. (2006). End Users Shaping Effective Software. (2006).
10 Jena. (2006). A Semantic Web Framework for Java, and Protégé,
11 Huhns, M. (2001). Interaction-Oriented Software Development. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 11: 259-279.
12 Paternò, F. (2005). Model-based tools for pervasive usability. Interacting with Computers, 17(3): 291-315.
13 El-Ghalayini, H., Odeh, M., McClatchey, R., Solomonides, T. (2005). Reverse engineering ontology to conceptual
data models,,Graduate School Conference, 114-119.
14 Berners-Lee, T. (1999). Weaving the Web, Orion business - now Texere,
15 Aziz, H., Gao, J., Maropoulos, P., Cheung, W. M. (2005). Open standard, open source and peer-to-peer tools and methods for collaborative product development, Computers in Industry, 56: 260-271.
16 Wang, C.-B., Chen, T.-Y., Chen, Y.-M., Chu, H.-C. (2005). Design of a Meta Model for integrating enterprise systems, Computers in Industry, 56: 205-322.
17 Dmitriev, S. (2004). Language Oriented Programming: The Next Programming Paradigm,
18 Mens, K., Michiels, I., Wuyts, R.
(2002). Supporting Software Development through Declaratively Codified
Programming Patterns, Expert Systems with Applications, 23: 405-413.
19 Tollis, I. G. (1996). Graph Drawing and
Information Visualization, ACM Computing Surveys, 28A(4).
20 Ambler, S. W. (2003). The
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21 Hunter, A. (2002). Engineering
22 Fluit, C., Marta S., Harmelen F. V.
(2003). Supporting User Tasks through Visualisation of Light-weight Ontologies,
23 Bechhofer, S. and Carrol, J. (2004). Parsing owl dl: trees or triples?, Proceedings
of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, NY, USA: 266 - 275.
24 Corcho, O. and Gómez-Pérez, A. (2000). A Roadmap to Ontology Specification Languages, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Chicago, USA.
25 Corcho, O., Fernández-López, M., Gómez-Pérez, A. (2003). Methodologies, Tools and Languages For Building Ontologies. Where is their Meeting Point?, Data and Knowledge Engineering, 46: 41-64.
26 Noy, N.F. (2004). Semantic Integration: A Survey Of Ontology-Based Approaches. SIGMOD Record, Special Issue on Semantic Integration, 33 (4).
27 Lemos, M. (2006). MetaL: An XML based Meta-Programming language,
28 Simkin. (2006). A high-level lightweight embeddable scripting language which works with Java or C++ and XML,
29 Schrage, M. (1991). Spreadsheets: Bulking Up On Data., Los Angeles Times.
30 Merlo, C. and Girard, P. (2004). Information system modelling for engineering design co-ordination, Computers in Industry, 55: 317-334.
31 De Andreis, E. (2005). 2MXtree XML-based tree,
32 Rhodes, G., Macdonald, J., Jokol, K., Prudence, P., Aylward, P., Shepherd, R., Yard, T. (2002). A Flash Family Tree, in: Flash MX Application and Interface Design,
Friday, December 01, 2006
Semantic Web Modelling
This research arises out of projects to create systems to facilitate management of design and cost related knowledge within aerospace organisations. The aim of using this knowledge is to reduce the costs of designing and manufacturing products. This paper identifies ways that problems arising from the model development process can be addressed, by a new way of providing for the creation of software. We have gained experience from projects, which have used a combination of proprietary software solutions and bespoke software. It is possible to identify the approach of User Driven Programming (UDP) as an effective software development technique. This research unites approaches of Object Orientation, the Semantic Web, and Relational Databases and Event Driven programming. The Model Driven Semantic Web [Frankel] explains the opportunities for and importance of this kind of research. The approach encourages much greater user involvement in software development. The advantages of increasing user involvement in software development are explained by [Olsson].
Research Summary
The intention behind our work is to enable users to program integrated applications. Tools will be created to enable users to develop software in a way familiar to many, from their use of spreadsheets and web page creation tools. End User Programming is an important area of research because many people who are experts in their domain want to create software models to aid their decision making [Scaffidi et al.]. Semantic Web techniques should be used to assist non-programmers to create software. This software could allow interactive visual modelling of information. This corresponds to the type of work normally undertaken using spreadsheets. In order to model complex problems in spreadsheets it is necessary to use macro languages, and track relationships between values in cells. These are difficult tasks, and mistakes lead to incorrect answers, this has led to a spreadsheet crisis where incorrect and undocumented spreadsheets are produced by individuals who have little formal training [Erwig et al.] [Scanlan et al.]. Creation of correct spreadsheets is difficult when the structure of the relationships in the spreadsheet is not clearly visible, this is why we are developing alternative representations and visualisations. The aim is to find an alternative way of representing these models, which does not require the user to write code. The tool created must make it easy to interact with and change the models, and easy to share information with colleagues. The main application areas of the tool would be Knowledge Management, Decision support, and Simulation. There are many new semantic web applications aimed at the modelling community that have been developed over the last couple of years. The developers of these applications are willing to provide them free in the hope of allowing them to be used to create modelling tools for industrial problems. These applications and the methodology for our use and development of the applications are explained later and in
Our modelling research specialises mainly in User Driven Model Development. This research unites approaches of object orientation, the semantic web, relational databases, and event driven programming. 'The Model Driven Semantic Web' [Frankel et al.] explains the opportunities for and importance of this kind of research. Tim Berners-Lee defined the semantic web as 'a web of data that can be processed directly or indirectly by machines' [Berners-Lee]. With this in mind the research proposed will examine ways of structuring information, and enabling processing and searching of the information to provide a modelling capability. The project will also investigate increasing user involvement in software, and enable provision of templates to enable non-programmers to develop modelling software for the purposes that interest them. The advantages of increasing user involvement in software development are explained by [Olsson]. This involvement is essential to avoid communication problems and misunderstanding that result from expert users having so little influence on tool creation. To assist in this project, it is essential that new ways of enabling collaboration between all those involved in software creation and use are investigated.
Background and Introduction to the Semantic Web System
There is an urgent need for semantic web tools to illustrate the benefits this technology can provide for industry, this paper 'EASE: The European Association Semantic Web Education' [Scaffidi et al.] explains this need. There is also a need for education in the use of semantic web technologies for industry. Some industry tools are available, explained by European Association Semantic Web Education [Diederich et al.] and in the [Jena User Conference], or being developed at present, but they are still difficult for industry employees to find. [REASE (the repository of EASE for learning units)] provides a way to find and create learning materials for industrial applications of semantic web technologies. Our project would undertake to create semantic web models for industry for use as modelling tools, and for educational use. We will then publicise this extensively and encourage industry user involvement.
Our use of the semantic web is to be a means for open standard representation of information, transformation into different representations as required, and for provision of a high level interface as a tool for model creation, and translation to program code. The proposed project involves creation of an elaborator or translator that converts the diagrammatic representation of the problem into software. Translations can be performed into any programming or meta-programming language or open standard information representation language, the visualisation of the model created can be displayed on the web.
The diagram below illustrates our aim of having a two way translation between all levels in a hierarchy of translation between human and computer, and between different software environments. This definition from [Wikipedia] and used in this UWE paper by [Simons and Parmee] explains the aim 'a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect on each other. The idea of a two-way effect is essential to the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one way causal effect. Combinations of many simple interactions can lead to surprising emergent phenomena'. This communication strategy will improve opportunities for end user modelling and programming, sharing of information, and education of both users and computer software. The analogy of educating computer software to do what the user intends is called programming by demonstration in 'Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration' [Cypher]. The user has the role of an educator of the software which acts as an apprentice to learn what is required. The user is thus able to instruct the software and so program solutions, using an adaptive modelling tool.
Two way Translation Mechanism
The tool will enable users to build their taxonomy representation of the model from a library held in an open standard ontology [Uschold and Gruninger]. Flexibility is essential when different organisations are not all using the same systems. An important reason for creating the open standards ontology is that it can be accessed by many different users and/or applications. The open standard OWL (Web Ontology Language) will be used and is explained in [Bechhofer and Carrol]. In addition to the use of open standard ontology language it's also possible to use agreed semantics for the domain of engineering modelling. The language most relevant for this purpose is the Process Specification Language (PSL) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). A representation of this PSL-XML [Lubell] can be used with OWL, both OWL and PSL-XML are based on RDF-XML (Resource Description Framework) implemented with XML (eXtensible Markup Language). This makes our translation process simpler and can enable interaction with other systems. The central section of figure 1 illustrates the core modelling functionality. We have been using a Decision Support and Modelling tool provided by Vanguard Corporation [Vanguard Software], for calculation and modelling. describes other newly released tools we will evaluate for this purpose.
The intention behind our research is to provide a tool that can be used by people who don't have access to CAD tools or other specialist software. It is to aid communication of product information throughout an organisation. Background research has been on semantic web techniques that can be applied to this problem.
The aim of our research is to enable decision support during product development, whilst minimising dependence on specialist software and detailed programming effort. The basis of this is an Ontology that can be visualised and edited in tree form. We are using the open standard Ontology tool Protégé from Stanford University. This Ontology can be translated into a Decision Support tool called DecisionPro (now renamed Vanguard System), which runs the model. Software we have created using DecisionPro allows calculations of the cost of a design to be made, and provides a colour-coded representation of the product tree. It is then possible to output this tree in the form of web pages, interactive diagrams and code in programming languages. It is possible to search the information both in Protégé and on the web as it is represented using searchable semantic web languages.
Software that is been investigated for representing ontologies and translating to program code and visualisation is Stanford University's [Protégé], Hewlett Packard's [Jena], and [Kaon]. Applications that are built with ontology tools such as the above, which include a development environment for calculation and decision support are [Metatomix m3t4], [TopBraid Composer], General Electric's [ACUITy] enterprise modelling tool, and Visual Knowledge's [Semantic Wiki] visualiser. These tools include Java Eclipse extensions for high level programming. We have also investigated transformations that can translate the ontology into representations in other languages and tools. We have prototyped this translation for decision support tools [Vanguard System] and [Cost Estimator], and languages including XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language), and Java. XML has mainly been used as a neutral format for representing information, but its rich structure makes it suitable for use as a programming language e.g. [AspectXML]. Further research can be undertaken into representing the information in Meta languages such as [metaL] and [Simkin]. The result documents could be searched using XQuery within [Exist] and [SPARQL] (Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language) and edited using XForm editors such as [Orbeon XForms]. Translation of XML to the most appropriate format for reusable industry documentation will be achieved with the help of [Koala Publishing], who are experts in this field.
D. Frankel, P. Hayes, E. Kendall, D. McGuinness, The Model Driven Semantic Web - 1st International Workshop on the Model-Driven Semantic Web (MDSW2004) Enabling Knowledge Representation and MDA® Technologies to Work Together (2004).
E. Olsson, What active users and designers contribute in the design process, Interacting with Computers 16 (2004) 377-401.
Scaffidi, C., Shaw, M., Myers, B. (2005). Estimating the Numbers of End Users and End User Programmers, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, (VL/HCC'05): 207-214 Dallas, Texas.
Erwig M, Abraham R, Cooperstein I, Kollmansberger S, Automatic Generation and Maintenance of Correct Spreadsheets, 2005, ICSE 2005 27th International Conference on Software Engineering p 136- 145.
Scanlan J, Rao A, Bru C, Hale P, Marsh R, DATUM Project: Cost Estimating Environment for Support of Aerospace Design Decision Making, 2006, Journal of Aircraft - 2006 vol. 43 no. 4.
Berners-Lee T, 1999, Weaving the Web, Harper San Francisco, ISBN 0062515861.
Institute for End User Computing
Network of Excellence on End User Development EUD.Net
End-Users Shaping Effective Software (EUSES)
Gray J, Zhang J, Lin Y, Roychoudhury S, Wu H, Sudarsan R, Gokhale A, Neema S, Shi F, Bapty T, Model-Driven Program Transformation of a Large Avionics Framework, 2004, Third International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering GPCE.
Marsh R, Hill T, Scanlan J, Dunkley M, Cleevely P, 2001, Probabilistic Pseudo-generative Cost Modelling Through Virtual Template Propagation CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimization June 2001 Maternushaus Koln, Germany.
Murphy G C, Walker R J, Baniassad E L A, Robillard M P, Lai A, Kersten M A, Does aspect-oriented programming work?, 2001, Communications of the ACM, Volume 44 Issue 10 (October 2001) Pages: 75 - 77, ISSN:0001-0782.
Mens K, Michiels I, Wuyts R, 2002, Supporting Software Development through Declaratively Codified Programming Patterns. Expert Systems with Applications 23 405-413.
Dmitriev S, - Language Oriented Programming: The Next Programming Paradigm.
Diederich, J, Nejdl, W, Tolksdorf R, 2006, EASE: The European Association for SemanticWeb Education, SWET2006 Beijing, China.
Jena User Conference, 2006, Bristol, UK - Proceedings (2006).
REASE the repository of EASE for learning units
Wikipedia - - Interaction.
Simons, C. L. Parmee, I. C., 2006, A manifesto for cooperative human / machine interaction in object-oriented conceptual software design, Advanced Computation in Design and Decision Making group Technical Report TR091006 -
Cypher, A, 1993, Watch What I Do Programming by Demonstration, MIT Press, ISBN:0262032139.
Uschold, M, Gruninger M, 2004, Ontologies and Semantics for Seamless Connectivity, Association for Computer Machinery - Special Interest Group on Management of Data - SIGMOD Record December 2004 Vol 33 No. 4.
Bechhofer S., Carrol J. (2004) Parsing owl dl: trees or triples? Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, NY, USA pp 266 - 275.
Lubell J, 2006 - XML Representation of Process Descriptions.
Vanguard Software - Global Knowledge Portal.
Protégé - welcome to protégé.
Jena - Jena - A Semantic Web Framework for Java.
Kaon - Welcome to KAON.
Metatomix m3t4 - Metatomix Provides Free Semantic Toolkit for Eclipse Developers Worldwide.
TopBraid Composer - The Complete Semantic Modeling Toolset.
Aragones, A., Bruno, J., Crapo, A., Garbiras M. (2006) An Ontology-Based Architecture for Adaptive Work-Centered User Interface Technology. Jena User Conference 2006, Bristol, UK.
Visual Knowledge - - Semantic WIKI - Visual Knowledge build conventional applications that are driven by ontologies rather than by code. A great deal of our underlying systems and frameworks are also model driven.
Vanguard System
Koonce, D., Judd, R., Keyser, T., Bailey, M. A. (2000) Cost Estimation Tool Integrated into FIPER, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AspectXML Project -
MetaL - MetaL: An XML based Meta-Programming language.
Simkin - A high-level lightweight embeddable scripting language which works with Java or C++ and XML.
Exist - Open Source Native XML Database.
SPARQL - Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language.
Orbeon Xforms - Form-based web applications, done the right way.
Koala Publishing Using XML software tools to create structured technical documentation.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Modelling and Semantic Web Methodology
The background research has been on semantic web techniques that can be applied to this problem. The intention behind this research is to provide a tool that can be used by people who don't have access to CAD tools or other specialist software. It is to aid communication of product information throughout an organisation.
The Figure shows the methodology behind the semantic web modelling. The diagram explains the semantic web modelling process, at all stages from ontology to results visualisation. We have already prototyped all these stages, but have not yet developed a fully working modelling system to be used outside the university.

We have been using a Decision Support and Modelling tool provided by Vanguard Corporation [1], for calculation and modelling.
Semantic Web Modelling system
1. Connections are established between the ontology system and any databases, spreadsheets, or other systems that hold relevant information for that modelling problem.
2. The ontology is created using RDF/OWL [2], and an interface built to allow domain experts to edit the ontology.
3. Libraries are created in a partnership between ourselves and domain experts.
4. Taxonomies are populated by model builders who want to use them for their modelling problem. These are based on the libraries created in step 3.
5. Taxonomies are colour coded for ease of understanding, this part of the diagram was built with Vanguard system (explained below). We have created a link between the ontology tool and this decision support and calculation tool. Vanguard system reads information from the ontology tool.
6. There are 2 sorts of constraints that can be used in order to make it easier for users to build and adapt models. These are constraints on the way the ontology, and models are built, and user interface constraints to reduce the scope for error.
7. The colour coding makes calculation clearer because all taxonomies can be used in any calculation, this results in a multicoloured result tree that represents the entire calculation history. User choices affect how items are related for the calculation; choices could be made manually or via a search. Colour can also be used to represent cost, time, or uncertainty.
8. Each node can also represent uncertainty, and we have prototyped including uncertainty expressions in the calculations.
9. The result tree can be represented on the web and in other programs, this allows for further searching, processing and evaluation of results. Visualisation techniques and the use of searchable languages such as XML, and SVG can assist in this.
10. and 11. Experts such as designers can interact with the ontology, the model, and results, it's intended that there will be a two way feedback mechanism where the expert can make changes at any stage, and this filter into changed results. This can then support a cycle of results and rework.
Software that is been investigated for representing ontologies and translating to program code and visualisation is Stanford University's Protégé [3], Jena [4], and Kaon [5]. Applications that are built with ontology tools such as the above and include a development environment for calculation and decision support are Metatomix m3t4 [6], TopBraid Composer [7], and General Electric's ACUITy enterprise modelling tool [8]. These tools include Java Eclipse extensions for high level programming. We have also investigated transformations that can translate the ontology into representations in other languages and tools. We have prototyped this translation for decision support tools Vanguard System [1] and Cost Estimator [9], and languages including XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language), and Java. XML has mainly been used as a neutral format for representing information, but its rich structure makes it suitable for use as a programming language e.g. AspectXML [10]. Further research can be undertaken into representing the information in Meta languages such as metaL [11] and Simkin [12]. The result documents could be searched using XQuery within Exist [13] and SPARQL (Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language) [14] and edited using XForm editors such as Orbeon XForms [15].
[1] Vanguard System
[2] Bechhofer S., Carrol J. (2004) Parsing owl dl: trees or triples? Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, NY, USA pp 266 - 275.
[3] Protégé - welcome to protégé.
[4] Jena - Jena - A Semantic Web Framework for Java.
[5] Kaon - Welcome to KAON.
[6] Metatomix m3t4 - Metatomix Provides Free Semantic Toolkit for Eclipse Developers Worldwide.
[7] TopBraid Composer - The Complete Semantic Modeling Toolset.
[8] Aragones, A., Bruno, J., Crapo, A., Garbiras M. (2006) An Ontology-Based Architecture for Adaptive Work-Centered User Interface Technology, Jena User Conference 2006, Bristol, UK - Paper - PDF Paper - Presentation - Powerpoint Presentation.
[9] Koonce, D., Judd, R., Keyser, T., Bailey, M. A. (2000) Cost Estimation Tool Integrated into FIPER, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
[10] AspectXML Project -
[11] MetaL - MetaL: An XML based Meta-Programming language.
[12] Simkin. (2006). - A high-level lightweight embeddable scripting language which works with Java or C++ and XML.
[13] Exist - Open Source Native XML Database.
[14] SPARQL - Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language.
[15] Orbeon Xforms - Form-based web applications, done the right way.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Meta Programming to create a modelling system
The diagram below illustrates the aim of having a two way translation between all levels in a hierarchy of translation between human and computer, and between different software environments. This definition from Wikipedia [1] and used in this paper by Simons and Parmee [2] explains the aim - 'a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect on each other. The idea of a two-way effect is essential to the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one way causal effect. Combinations of many simple interactions can lead to surprising emergent phenomena'. This communications could improve opportunities for end user modelling and programming, sharing of information, and education of both users and computer software. The analogy of educating computer software to do what the user intends is called programming by demonstration in Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration [3]. The user has the role of an educator of the software which acts as an apprentice to learn what is required. The user is thus able to instruct the software and so program.

Figure - Translation Process
1 Wikipedia,, Interaction (2006).
2 C. L. Simons, I. C., Parmee,, A manifesto for cooperative human / machine interaction (2006).
3 A. Cypher, 1993, Watch What I Do Programming by Demonstration, MIT Press, ISBN:0262032139.