Wednesday, July 30, 2008

End User Programming, Modelling and the Semantic Web

This diagram shows the research direction this thesis moved in over time.

  • End-user programming for modelling. Research began with examining programming needs of users (mainly engineers at Airbus and later Rolls-Royce aerospace companies).
  • Modelling – Next, models were created to cater for the engineers needs for prediction and decision support; so the concentration was mainly on modelling.
  • Semantic Web for modelling. Once the models became more complex and numerous, the collaboration necessary required a more systematic infrastructure, so Semantic Web and ontology research assisted with this.
  • Semantic Web for end-user programming. Once an infrastructure was prototyped it was possible to research how this could enable construction of programs based on the Semantic Web/ontology infrastructure.
  • Programs created using the semantic web infrastructure and visual diagrammatic programming were tested for modelling capability.

My Research Area - Venn Diagram combining End-User Programming, Modelling, and Semantic Web. - Research Direction Spiral - This shows the research direction of this thesis over time with a spiral line finishing at the comination of three disciplines. The aim of my research is to try to bring together the areas of End User Programming, Modelling and the Semantic Web.  So I'm examining the area marked in yellow.

Research Direction Spiral

By the end of this research it was perceived that this particular combination as indicated by the mid point of the yellow section was currently under researched by the wider community.

More information is available at -

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Semantic Web Event

This Semantic Web event is being organised by Daniel Lewis, details are below -

Friday 5th September 2008
Time: 14:00 - 18:00
Bristol Knowledge Unconference -
Location: eOffice Bristol, 1st Floor Prudential Buildings, 11-19 Wine Street Bristol, BS1 2PH.

A few more bits of information are available at:

You can sign up for the event at:

Further information -

Daniel Lewis - Bristol Knowledge Unconference: A small progress update - -

Daniel Lewis - I am organising a "Knowledge Unconference" in Bristol, which is loosely attached to the "Semantic Web South-West" Group.

The idea will be similar to a BarCamp, except that it is a lot lighter, more social, more hands-on. It will also be only half-a-day long. Plus it will be "themed" around the general subject of Knowledge. So for example:

The Semantic Web / Linked Data / Hyperdata / Data Web
Topic Maps
Information Architecture and Design
Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Rule-Based Systems (etc)
Knowledge Visualisation
and maybe even, Object Oriented Databases

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Semantic Web and End-User Programming

Semantic Web research is not an end in itself as without the combination with End-User Programming/Modelling in order that people can create programs; there is insufficient incentive for creation and use of Semantic Web information. The reverse of this combination is that end-user modelling/programming is not practical without creation and use of structured information available through an accessible interface, such as representations using the Semantic Web.

My research area is explained here :-

My Research Area - Venn Diagram combining End-User Programming, Modelling, and Semantic Web. - The aim of my research is to try to bring together the areas of End User Programming, Modelling and the Semantic Web.  So I'm examining the area marked in yellow.

My Research Area

The representation of program structure also needs to be visualised to End-User Programmers so they can create and edit content.

In order to increase the use of Semantic Web technologies it is necessary to create applications that make use of the Semantic Web for practical applications. Enabling modelling with Semantic Web technologies could encourage domain experts to fill ontologies with useful information, so generating more benefit from their use.