Friday, March 31, 2006

Building Developer Communities

I'm looking for communities and sites that have a mix of those with advanced software skills who want to encourage and enable others to learn to program, and of new starters who want to learn. I'm interested in those who are willing to try out new techniques to make it easier for newstarters (I retrained with vocational courses and Government schemes myself). Anyone interested can reply to this post, or email me at I'll link my home page and blog to such sites.

I'm intending to share modelling knowledge by using semantic web techniques to enable a wide range of people to create web models to visualise common problems. Semantic web software will be used to categorise and manage these models. Events would take place to allow a community of developers and users to share their knowledge.

I'm putting examples, and explanations of every form of programming that I've done, and there are 2 others in our team who have also been doing this. I'm also meeting with other semantic web researchers about this idea. I'm particularly interested in SVG, XML, and JavaScript as good languages for web visualisation. I think my page has my best examples as they are very interactive SVG examples for IE and Firefox, and I can't find such examples anywhere else, also I can automate the production of these examples from a database. I'm also linking my examples of all types to examples from other web sites. So I'm interested in anyone who has relevant examples.


Anonymous said...

broad range of SVG links

Unknown said...

Broad range of svg links - I'll link to this from my home page and have a look.
