Thursday, September 20, 2007

Metaplace - Online Virtual World Builder

I found this article on the BBC website - Virtual worlds opened up to all - 19 September 2007 - This looks very interesting and potentially useful for End-User programming and E-Learning.

The link is Metaplace - I'm looking forward to building a virtual world, and to linking to other peoples' worlds especially if their world is useful for End-User programming and E-Learning and/or has a space or climate modelling theme.

This links with these aims -

Building Developer Communities -

E-Learning Provision using Semantic Web Technologies -

Drag and Drop Programming -

In the BBC article Metaplace say -

"We want to see 10,000 virtual worlds so that lots of wild and crazy stuff gets made because that is the only way it will advance as a medium."

So I would like to be part of this effort. If anyone at Metaplace, or who is developing a Metaplace world has something I can link to that would be useful for the above, could they please email me at

I am also interested in this from the BBC article -

"As each world is based on standard web technology they can also be embedded in blogs, a facebook profile, myspace page or website."

How can I do this or link to other peoples' worlds.

I think to begin with we register at The release is due for Spring 2008 but perhaps registering will allow for earlier involvement. It's called Alpha Signup.

This looks like the best place to keep up with developments and a community of users/developers -


Unknown said...

I read somewhere that the Alpha test was limited to an extremely small number of people (I believe I read 50), but that they would expand the pool as time goes by.

As far as embedding your world into a web page, although the specifics haven't been released, I'm going to assume it will be akin to embedding a YouTube video into any web page.

Peter Hale said...


Thank You

They have emailed me to explain that, as you say, the numbers they can support are limited. Their reply was very helpful and explained that they would include me when they are able to support larger numbers, e.g. at the Beta stage.


Anonymous said...

Saw your article on MetaPlace, thought you would be interested in this news…

The first wave of users has been given access to the new VastPark toolset… with the remaining access being allocated over the next three weeks.

This is only the first of several tools that will be rolling out over the next few months for the exclusive use of those signed up.

Peter Hale said...

Thank You

I've completed the sign-up page so am waiting for a confirmation email. I'm not sure if I'm meant to get this today, or if it goes through a process first. I'll have a go at using this software as soon as possible. I'm also interested in linking to examples that others create.


Anonymous said...

I'm having a few problems in the world i'm in at the moment. I tried Half Life and got bored of it. What I'm looking for it something which I can touch and feel like in that movie from the 80s... think it was called VR or something.

Come on! ;-)

elearning guy said...

think it was called VR or something.

- hahahahahaha. ROLF. good times