Sunday, November 15, 2009

Researcher Collaboration - Web 2.0 - Strength in science collaboration - BBC Article

This looks like a useful Web 2.0 collaboration tool for researchers -

The BBC article is at -

"Victor Henning is the co-founder of Mendeley, an online collaboration tool which was created specifically for scientists.
The free software allows scientists and researchers to upload papers which are then trawled for bibliographic data - author, title, issue and so on - and paired up with similar papers already in the database."

"Mendeley is supposed to take the work out of managing these [research] papers.," explains Mr Henning.
"You can just drag and drop your collection of PDFs into the software and it'll automatically extract all the bibliographic data - all of the stuff that you'd usually have to type in manually." - Victor Henning.


Research Papers Writing said...

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

sneha said...

I would reckon that they have the most comprehensive integrated collaboration platform. With their latest release they have added a new twist to track and execute projects "the social way". Checkout their Blog

The problem with the folks like Google & Yahoo is that they have created many tools which have been loosely coupled. The challenge with such a solution is that the the information gets locked into multiple silos. With Google Wave they are trying to integrate all the conversations (discussions) but what would be truly desirable is a platform built form ground up using social networking at the base and business apps on top of it. I have tried Injoos Teamware ( and found it captures both informal and formal knowledge like documents in one single workspace on the cloud.

Unknown said...

Research Papers Writing - thank you.

Sneha - thank you, I've added that link to my store Web 2.0 page, and will look at it.