Friday, June 06, 2008

Research Development

It is important to enable changes to the design of the information source and its structure as necessary, even when it contains information. This makes possible continuous improvement of the information and its representation together. Clear visualisation of the structure makes out of date and duplicate information obvious, so it can be changed by the end-users of the information. This provides for maintenance of information quality without necessitating end-users to understand relational database design; though relational databases can still be used for information where the frequency of structural change is less.

The diagrams below shows the way iterative development is used both in this research and in the implementation to ensure that changes can be made systematically as necessary and without disrupting the project.

PhD Research Development Diagram - Research and Development for Thesis.

Research and Development for Thesis

Information about my Research is at -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting read. The idea of a continuous process of information maintenance without the necessity of backgrounds in relational database combined with the simple visual element design would definitely allow for a more friendly and easy to update system for the vanilla-user.